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Self Defence Lessons Chester

Self-Defence Lessons in Chester

Arm lock

The self-defence lessons that we provide are based on our Shito-ryu style of karate which, as a style, has its grounding in potential ‘real world’ fighting situations. The techniques that we use, such as blocking, are very direct with no unnecessary additional movement. They are made even more effective because of this; any unnecessary movement adds time. Time is something that you normally don’t get much of in a fight. 

If confronted with a threatening situation, our advice would always be to walk or run away. The risk of injury is always too real. However, our classes will prepare you for scenario’s where confrontation cannot be avoided. We teach techniques for defending against knife and bottle attack, for example, as well as throwing techniques. They are really useful in scenarios where self-defence is a requirement.

Self-Defence Classes

Our Chester self-defence and karate classes are held at two locations:

Our sessions are held at the King’s School Chester, on the Wrexham Road in Chester on a Wednesday evening with the kids’ session starting at 6pm with the 7pm start time for older children and adults. 

And Friday also at the King’s School Chester, 6pm, 5yrs to adult, family night.

Saturday is held at Upton Village Hall, Heath Rd, Upton, Chester and it is a Saturday morning class starting at 10am for younger children and 11am for adults and older children from the age of 11.

Our head instructor is Steve Bolland who is a 6th Dan Black belt in Shito-ryu karate and highly experienced in teaching self-defence techniques. The club is highly professional and is affiliated to the English Karate Federation which governs English karate.

Even more importantly, the sessions are made to be fun and engaging, as well as being respectful to karate traditions.

You are welcome to sample a free session at our Chester venues, with no obligation. Just call us on 07855 487026 or fill in the contact form, come in some loose clothing such as a t-shirt and tracksuit, and let’s have fun!

WHy Take Self Defence Classes?

Classes in self defence have a variety of different benefits. From improving physical health, mental health and meeting new people - self defence lessons go beyond its title! Self defence lessons can improve confidence and equip you with techniques to protect yourself in potentially dangerous situations. 

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